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Act 2

Writer's picture: Daniel BinghamDaniel Bingham

Updated: Jan 24, 2020

Hello there!

I’m back! I’m not very good at this blog, but I’m going to try to get better. I know the chances of anyone reading this are extremely slim, but it could be helpful for me to simply keep my thoughts clear throughout my filmmaking work.

Made a few films since my last post. They have been either terrible or well received, but still not what I had hoped for. I’m told that I am far too negative about my filmmaking, but I guess being self critical is just part of my personality so there’s not really anything I can do about that. I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad thing though, because that means I’ll always strive to improve. Or at least I think that’s what it means…

I’m currently struggling to write my first feature film, which is a darkly comical gangster noirish sort of thing. I try not to fully define the genre when I write, at least at the start. I feel that gives the film a bit more growing room. I’m also working on a few short films and have another feature idea.

Actually I have lots of ideas. Ideas is never my struggle. If anything I have too many. My main struggle when it comes to writing is just getting started. It always feels very daunting. I start to write and then hate what I’ve written. Then I procrastinate for a while, loose motivation and go on youtube or something. I don’t really know. When I write by myself I just get lonely and depressed. I really enjoy working with other people when I write, but then I get distracted very easily and get nowhere. When I write with someone else, I also feel like I don’t write in quite the same way either. The writing doesn’t connect with me in quite the same way. Maybe it doesn’t matter to anyone else, but is it a bad thing if I’m not completely convinced?

But anyway, I’m getting distracted. I’m actually quite enjoying getting some thoughts out. It feels therapeutic. I need to start thinking of ideas for the Film Genre short film task, but I don’t know how it will be assessed. Before there was an emphasis place on dialogue, but I naturally use minimal dialogue, so that could impact my ideas. I also need to start thinking of an idea for Film Production Management and it mightn’t be a bad idea to start thinking of an essay idea for Film Theory. Busy already!

This week I watched a few films and tv shows:

  1. Being John Malkovich was very good and I really enjoyed the humour. However, as interesting an idea as it was, I felt that it got too caught up in its own concept at times. 7/10

  2. Jack Reacher: Never Go Back was a mistake to watch. It was just bland and, to be honest, the only reason I watched it was because I used to really like the books. It was very formulaic and had none of the intelligence or character I loved about the original stories. 3/10

  3. Loving Vincent was actually surprisingly good. Initially I assumed it was entirely sold on the gimmick, but I ended up really enjoying the writing. Not completely convinced by the acting though. 7/10

  4. The Godfather is deservedly thought of as a classic. I’ve seen it quite a few times now and really like the book as well. Saw it in the cinema this time too, which was very special. My main criticism is that I think it is a bit too long, however it’s all so good I just wouldn’t know what to cut from it. 9/10

  5. Bojack Horseman season 5 is good, however it is definitely a drop in quality from previous seasons. This generally heartfelt and genuine show, unfortunately left me a little disappointed this season, which is a shame because I feel previous seasons were fantastic. 6/10

I also listened to a few really good albums this week, like The Roots by Radicle Face and The Final Cut by Pink Floyd. They both might be worth looking at in relation to a film some time. I’ve just started reading Coming Up For Air by George Orwell too. I really like Animal Farm and 1984, so hopefully this’ll be just as good.

Well, I don’t quite know what else to say, so I guess I’ll just leave it there. It feels weird writing stuff and not checking it over, knowing that I’m likely never to read it ever again, but I guess it clears things up for me in the moment I write at least. I’m just gonna go now then. Until next week…



(Bojack Horseman Season 5)


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