So this was a depressingly unproductive week. I emailed Paul my new film idea about selling your soul to the devil, but unfortunately I did not receive a reply, which is a bit discouraging.
I had my first group meeting about the screenplays for Film Genres and really enjoyed it. I loved hearing other people’s ideas and really enjoyed the opportunity to give feedback. The people in my group all seemed to respect me as a writer and seem to be under the impression I have years of experience! This was a big confidence boost. One even asked me if I could recommend them any good screenwriting books or courses, which was awkward because I’ve never actually studied screenwriting – I’ve just watched far too many movies for my young age! The group really seemed to like my bank heist film idea and they seemed to find it very funny. It was a good experience, and I feel like I learnt a fair bit.
However, the next day was less of a positive story. Our group met with Catriona and we had to talk through our films with her. I partly regret what I did, but ah well – C’est la vie. I backtracked and submitted a much more poorly developed version of my film. I don’t really want my idea to be picked, but I don’t think I want to misrepresent myself. I want to give as good an impression as possible. However, she said she saw a lot of potential in my idea, which is worrying. I’ll be upset if my idea gets taken away from me!
With regards to the essay, I’m having trouble not procrastinating, which you’ll clearly see when I tell you how much TV I’ve watched this week. I’ve had to reread everything from the course so far in order to focus on my chosen element of film form. I initially wanted to do editing because I think it would be the easiest. However, I decided that most of the class will probably be doing it, so I settled on framing. I’m still only writing the plan, which is worrying considering the deadline is Friday! Hopefully I will have the first draft done by tomorrow night so that I’ll feel less guilty in class on Tuesday.
I’m meeting with Harris tomorrow in order to think about making a short film together. We always talk about working together, but never do. We always start to write, but get distracted and stop. It’s depressing to think that with all the time we talk about working together, the only film we’ve written and directed together is the abomination that is Cheez.
I’ve been feeling a bit down with regards to filmmaking. I really enjoy writing and I think that if I put the work in I could write something good. However I have no confidence as a director. Maybe I’m just not cut out for it, despite it being all I’ve ever dreamed of doing since I stopped wanting to be Bob the Builder. However, Harris told me that if I write a film, he will happily produce and AD for me while I direct. This would be brilliant and I’d like to take him up on this offer before Christmas.
I’ve been listening to a lot of Bob Dylan this week. Man that guy can write! He’s just not made of the same stuff as today’s singer-songwriters.
I haven’t watched very many films, this week, but I’ve watched a lot of TV:
First Man was a bit disappointing. It was well made, but it didn’t really have anything to say. It just kind of… was. The lunch sequences were very good, but the rest of the film was disappointing. Chazelle used a documentary-esque style which worked for the most part, but was just too much at times. Ryan Gosling, however, was the shining light in a fantastic performance. He really tends to underact, which is something that can be hard to come by in Hollywood. The film was ok. Very forgettable. And certain to pick up lots of Oscars… 6/10
Detectorists is one of my favourite pieces of TV or film, period. It is incredibly well written and simply, yet effectively directed. Mackenzie Crook did an insanely good job. It is just a pleasure to watch, which is why I watched all three seasons in one week. I’ve seen the show more times than I can count and it never gets old. I wish there was more, but at the same time I’m thankful that the show never went bad like long lasting shows tend to do. It is one of the very few things which have ever gotten this rating from me, but… 10/10
P.s. The title is utterly irrelevant to this blog post- it just sounded cool in my head.

Detectorists (2014 – 2017)