I did the first visual exercise with Arthur Johnson and I feel that we work very well as a team, even if we did encounter a few issues while shooting.
Our first shot was of the football being kicked towards the net and, other than my goal keeping skills, the big issue we faced was grain on our image. In order to achieve the deep focus, we pushed the aperture to f.15. However, this resulted in a much darker image. To try and correct this we boosted the ISO, however this created some horrible grain on the image, which we were unaware of due to the tiny screen on the camera. We shot this as the sun was starting to set, so if we had to do it again, we would go back earlier in the day when it is brighter so we wouldn’t have to use a higher ISO.
Our second shot was of Arthur in the carpark with a shallow depth of field. We shot this with the aperture very low – f.2.6. The carpark was naturally quite dark so when we decreased the aperture, brightening the image, we didn’t need to increase the ISO and thus avoided most of the grain. For comparison, the third shot was a repeat of this same shot, but with a draper focus. We increased the aperture to f.8.7, but this darkened the image. We then had to increase the ISO which brought more grain.
Next, we experimented with shutter speed. When Arthur kicked the ball into the net and we zoomed in to him taking of his glasses in an infinitely cooler way than I will ever be capable of achieving, the movement looked well. The shutter speed was set to 1/50, which is pretty standard, so this was not a surprise that the image worked well. There was a bit of motion blur when we zoomed in rapidly, however this did not detract from the look and worked quite well.
We next shot Arthur vaulting over a fence at a shutter speed of 1/180. This resulted in slightly smoother motion, but it darkened the image slightly and we had to brighten it using ISO, making a very grainy image yet again.
Then we shot me on a roundabout at a park. This rather peculiar looking image used a shutter speed of 1/400. This again made the image slightly smoother, however, for a better experiment, I think we should have pushed it to the camera’s maximum of 1/2000
Finally, we shot in low light by a road. We used an aperture of f.2.6 and an ISO of 12db. I think the light from the cars and the blue from the building looked well, however we still had a lot of grain. In the future we should take more time to set these shots up and check for things like grain.
To view the footage, click here.