On the 2nd of April, Becky, Joe and I met again for reshoots. In the edit, we realised there was some stuff that Becky had forgotten about, so we had to do more filming.
This actually ended up being our longest day yet, but we got a lot done, including the credits. However, unfortunately, we had been shooting for several hours when someone, who will remain unnamed, formatted the SD card without backing up the footage. We had to do it all over again!
We got there in the end and I’m happy with what we did. Throughout the whole process, I dabbled in lots of different roles and helped in almost every area, however that’s quite difficult to credit! In the end, I just got credited as camera and lighting assistant. I’m not quite sure why I didn’t get a co-director of photography credit, but that’s not really a big deal.
The final film is a nice one. I think it has a really pleasant style, however I worry that it is a little forgettable. While I personally would have focused a bit more on the Russian occupation and the revolution, it’s always interesting to see something from someone else’s perspective.