So the adaptation of A Taste of Honey has turned into a film noir…
It is an idea we are all much happier with and Catriona says it is acceptable, so that’s encouraging. I think I might try to write it. I’d like to write and direct outside of the course, so inside the course, it might be nice to do something less stressful!
The boy Jo slept with is no longer a sailor. He is a private investigator hired by Pete, a ‘respectable businessman’ to spy on Geoff. Pete is worried about his appearance. Delaney goes to Geoff and Jo’s house an when he arrives, he immediately recognises Jo and soon realises that Jo’s child is his. Delaney talks to Jo. He feels guilty for leaving. Geoff arrives back at derides him. Delaney angrily leaves, not wanting to take anymore crap from Geoff. He recommends that Pete keep Geoff out of Jo’s life.
I’ve never written a noir, but I’ve wanted to for a while now. It is a genre and a style that I love, so I’m looking forward to that.

Road to Perdition (2002)