Andrew introduced us to the module and it actually looks quite good. We have to stick to the theme 'portrait of Edinburgh' which is frustrating, but hopefully it should be vague enough to still let me do something fun. For the first time, we're allowed to write and direct, which is fantastic. I'm going to make a real effort this year that's very much 'me'.
This module looks promising and Andrew seems to know what he's doing. I'm looking forward to getting stuck in.
Notes from class:
-3-6 mins (Including credits)
-Portrait of the city
-Fiction/Doc/Non narrative
-Single protagonist’s relationship to the narrative
-Journal + Critical Essay = 40%
-(Include research and notes from class in journal)
-Essay – 1500 words – Describe and evaluate project
-Producer workshop – Wednesdays
-Listen to podcasts – links on moodle
Short Film’s Watched
The Monolith
Solid Gold
Paris je t’aime
Night on Earth
Knock Down Ginger
Can’t Nobody Else Love You
