So that's picture lock on the film. We obviously had to cut the film down, and I'm really impressed by the degree to which Harris managed to do this. However, I think it might hurt the pacing and there are one or two important character moments left out. For example, a moment which had to be cut, but I feel is very important in developing Ellis is when he has finally found Sonny at the reservoir. In the final film, Ellis reaches for his gun, but hesitates when Sonny notices him. However, this was originally a much longer, and perhaps more effective, moment. Ellis was meant to actually raise the gun, point it at Sonny and then hesitate, lowering it again. It’s a small change, but it’s an example of something I think would help explain Ellis’ inner turmoil.
It's weird hearing a really carefully constructed monologue with bits missing, but I don't think that's going to be apparent to the audience. I would like the film to be slower paced, as it was always intended to be slower, but I totally understand why it shouldn't be. Ultimately, I'm generally pretty happy with the edit.