One by one everyone got up and pitched their film ideas, and it just made me feel worse and worse. I really failed this year and it just feels like crap. Seriously makes me doubt my abilities as a writer. I don't just want to settle. It's as if I'm too afraid to put pen to paper until I've an idea of what the film is already fully formed in my head. People keep telling me I just need to start writing and see what happens, but I literally just can't seem to force myself to do this.
On the plus side, I may potentially be able to write with Aaron. We went to the library immediately after class and brainstormed a few ideas. I came up with the idea of a man trapped inside a nuclear bunker with a dead body. Obviously he can't leave the bunker, because of the apocalypse, but he can't just leave the body where it is either. Aaron seems to like it and I think there's room to make something quite funny, even if it is pretty grim. I think we'll pursue something like that for now. Still though; it really feels bad not being able to make what was in my head.