I think the film is certainly flawed. In fact, at times I think it's a mess. But there's so much stuff in there that I love. I do think I did pretty well. I think the tone on set could have been better. Maybe part of that was due to the content we were shooting, but I also think a member of crew was perhaps overstepping the line a little.
I've never enjoyed working with actors more and I'm really proud of what we managed to accomplish together. Rhys, Ryan and Mackenzie seemed to really enjoy working with me too, which is really nice.
I think I maybe let my mental health get in the way at times. I let my struggling show a bit too much and that perhaps led crew members to misinterpret it as rudeness at one point, but I was able to clear this up I think.
I learned a lot from the film and I will be proud to show it to people.
