- In the last 9 weeks, 7 films have been made.
- You can’t live in the bubble of your film so it’s important to be very careful
- Prep and development of your script is vitally important. We must take that a step further
- Get cinematographers involved early in the script development in order to come up with solutions for social distancing.
- When you submit a risk assessment, you must submit the script
- NEVER ask anyone to do anything unsafe or that they are uncomfortable with
- Going on a recce, bring your recce checklist and a risk assessment form
- Bring a compass so that you know where the sun will be at different times
- Need to wear mask at all times, interiors or exteriors.
- Interior locations need to be big. You need more room.
- Exterior is better. However, where do you find everything to service the location. You need loos, hand washing facilities and safe places for people to eat.
- For transport, you can’t travel together in cars unless you live together.
- Keep everything as local as possible, including cast and crew. Ideally try to cast people with their own cars.
- 5 mile travel restrictions. We in the hot zone might not be able to travel outside
- When Susie used to shoot documentaries, the last day of the schedule was set aside for GVs (General Views). This was to go around the locations and get cutaway shots.
- We need to designate covid supervisors. This should always be the producer, the 1st AD and sometimes the Continuity Supervisor.
- The biggest part of any risk assessment is going to be ‘Risk of Infection’
- Need to have good access in and out of a flat. Need to have a one way system.
- Need to bring your own food to location
- Regular temperature checks
- Props are put into bags, labelled and quarantined. Only the props person and the cast member are allowed to touch props.
- Cast must fit their own radio mics
- Need loads of disposable masks. The cast will be taking them on and off and shouldn’t be putting the same one on and off.
- Actors need to do their own make-up with a make-up artist giving them advice from a distance.
- Cast need to do the screenskills online course. This is worth bringing up in the audition